
QuickChart will always be free and open source, but some users require a non-GPL license or a Service-Level Agreement (SLA) that guarantees uptime. Please contact us with any questions.

Free & Open Source Commercial License
Commercial License + SLA
License GNU GPL v3 license Full commercial usage Full commercial usage
Limits Rate limit enforced No rate limitations No rate limitations
Support Best-effort email support Full email support Full email support
SLA No SLA No SLA QuickChart SLA

Frequently Asked Questions

Is QuickChart reliable?

This site ( is widely used and generates over 16 million charts per month without issue. That's an average of 6 charts per second over the entire month! There is a built-in rate limit of 120 charts/min (2 charts/sec) per IP.

If you want to adjust rate limits or need a Service-Level Agreement with uptime guarantees, get in touch.

See also the QuickChart status page, which monitors uptime.

How can I make my chart look like X?

QuickChart uses the popular open-source Chart.js library, so you can use all Chart.js documentation and Chart.js-related search terms to answer questions on how to customize your chart. If you're stuck, feel free to email us.

Do I need a license to use QuickChart?

Charts generated by QuickChart are public domain. You don't need a license or any permission to use or distribute images produced by this site.

If you'd like to fork the code, keep in mind this project is licensed under GPLv3 and you should make your code public and retain the copyright notice. If you'd like to license QuickChart privately or commercially, or if you'd like help setting up a private instance, please get in touch.

Is this a suitable replacement for Google Image Charts?

This service is a replacement for the Google Image Charts API, which turned off on March 14, 2019.

Chart.js doesn't match exactly with the Google Image Charts API - it is a more flexible, general-purpose charting specification. Both Chart.js and QuickChart have strong open-source communities.

We encourage developers to choose a fully open-source solution over proprietary services in order to mitigate risk and future-proof their choices.

How can I contribute?

QuickChart is under active development. If you'd like to suggest a feature or modify QuickChart code, please open an issue or pull request on the QuickChart Github.